Engineers Build The World’s First Real 3D-Printed Gun
Biggs, John. “AOL Inc.” 11/72013. Web. 11/10/13. <>
A company named Solid Concepts has created the world's first usable gun that was printed by a machine that uses a laser to turn powder into metal. This gun is just like a normal handgun and can be fired. It has shot fifty rounds so far since its creation. The CEO has said that it will allow workers get the harder to get parts they need to finish a job, making their jobs easier in the long run.
My reaction to this is shock. I never thought I’d live in a world in which people would be printing things other than words on paper. I think this is a great idea though. As the CEO said, making parts that are usually hard to get or make will become much easier for them to acquire. This affects me because it may become a big part of my future, many things may be printed one day out of a machine.
This impacts the world because things will be easier for people to get. Maybe a lesser country than United States needs weapons to fight or in the long term, a larger item that can be printed out of a machine. This will make it where we can give those thing to them faster. I think this will make it easier to get goods around too.