Friday, September 27, 2013

T-Mobile Says BlackBerrys Will No Longer Be Sold At Retail Locations

T-Mobile Says BlackBerrys Will No Longer Be Sold At Retail Locations

Carew,Sinead.  "The Huffington Post". 09/25/2013. Web. 09/27/13. <>

The topic for today is the Blackberry Company. It has chosen to stop selling its phones in stores. They once said "keeping stock in the retail distribution system was inefficient" They have made this choice because normal everyday people that are walking into the store are not the ones buying the phone, its the large businesses that are and they hardly ever step foot in the stores. They order these phones online. Therefore the company is going to stop selling them in store and only online.

I think that this is a great idea from the company. They are not making the money they need in store, so they’re selling them only online. This is going to save them money and make it easier to make the phones because they will only be making a small amount at a time to send them to the customer, instead of sending hundreds to the stores. Although this does not affect me because I dont really use a phone, it will affect many people that would rather walk into their local store and buy one. Because now they have to order one online and have it sent to their house or business.

World Impact:
I dont think this will affect the world. I mean in the long run some people might be upset about losing the ability to drive to the store to get one. But many large businesses might like this idea of sending them all to the place of business, saving time and probably money. BlackBerry will be the most important part of this though, they are the ones trying to earn their money back by doing this and they are probably going to make the most of this. But overall most of the population will probably go unaffected.




Friday, September 13, 2013

Bi-Weekly Blog Post #2

Hello and welcome back to my Blog. These past few weeks we learned about many new things, mostly about how to be a Good Digital Citizen. And it has been very exhausting because of all the projects we’ve had to do. But they are helping us all fully understand what we are going over in all our classes. So school these weeks have not been the best, all because of those project. This is one of them..

This project was made on a website called It is used to make slide show like this one. We used these to show what you needed to be a good digital citizen.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Facebook Privacy Issues 

"Hold Your Gasps, Facebook Is Under Fire For Its Privacy Policy Again"
Guarini, Drew. Huffington Post. 5, September 2013. Web. September 6, 2013. <>.

A brief Summary of the Article:
              In this article we learn about Facebook's privacy polices and that they are doing some odd things with out information. They, at any moment, be using your information, including you name, birthday, and many other personal things in ads so they can make money. They have been told they need to change their privacy polices before, in 2011. Because of the same thing being done. They have said they will be changing the Privacy Policy, most importantly for younger users.
Reaction to the Post:

             I feel that they should change their Privacy polices. Because of the fact that most people dont even know they are being used in ads and whatnot. This will effect me as a "Internet person" because I spend large amounts of my time on the Internet and I would like to know if there is some random picture of me being used as an ad for Facebook. This changing of the privacy will be very good in my opinion. I am glad to hear that they are no longer going to be using my information, or others for that matter, on ads for there profit.
The World Impact:

           This will greatly impact the world, the Internet enabled that is. Because it will cause less leaking of information. The impact on the world will in fact be so great because of the amount of large amounts of people using the internet so much every single day. They are exposed to so much information at once on there, so it is no surprise to find that someone's infromation can be easily taken without the other person ever knowing. And knowing that your information could be easily taken right from under your nose really makes you think, does it not? So making the privact settings are going to be a great idea.